Comico: A no-nonsense, free comic book reader
A simple yet effective free comic book reader that does what it's supposed to do.

Quality features
Meet exciting features of the app
Free Comics
Get a list of latest and popular comics with every issues and extra contents for free.
Search for your favorite comic book if you'r not in the mood for browsing through curated lists.
All the images and comics you click are cached in the local storage to save your bandwidth.

Core features
Free and Cross-Platform
Free of cost
Free comic book reading app with zero strings attached.
Supports android and windows. With support for web, mac, and linux coming soon.
Let’s see how it works
Web crawling
Our server crawls the web for all comic books and pre processes the data.
API calls
The data received from the crawler is accessed through an API for ease of use.
Connect to the API
Our app then connects to the open sourced API and fetches the data served by the custom web crawler.
Display the data
The data is then received by the app and displayed to the user.
Get your question answer
Frequently asked question
What data do you collect?
Zero. We don't collect any kinds of data whatsoever. We only ask for internet permission to fetch the comic book data from the server. The code for the server is open-sourced, and you can go through it if you want.
Can we download a comic book to read for later?
Not yet unfortunately. We are working on it and hopefully it will be added soon. However, the images and comic book data is cached, so, it only downloads the images once, for any subsequent requests, it shows you the cached data so the bandwidth cost should be very minimal.
I have a question / feature request / bug report
Please create an issue in the github repository for this app. The link can be found here. This is currently the only possible way to give feedback. We may open a discord server if there's enough interested users.